Sunday, February 15, 2009

In office forever?

I read today on the web a comment in which a person stated that a president should remain in power for as long as people kept voting for him/her. This person's argument was based on the idea that if the president is doing it right, why he/she could not stay in power forever.
I am of the opinion that rulers -no matter how great they might be- are not infallible and because of that they should be held accountable for their policies and practices. If politicians remain in power for long periods of time they become so in love with power that they forget the reason of their election: service. When rulers stay in power for so long they begin to control many aspects of society making it difficult for the public to evaluate the administration. It also contradicts the democratic spirit that should be behind all political (and nonpolitical) races and elections.
Then my question would be why a person should remain in power for long periods? Why cultures ask for it? Isn't it clear that it is part of our social intelligence to be active members of our societies, to be critical, and to actually be responsible for electing capable politicians.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

About parenthood

(Nothing to do with politics or policies, this is just about parenthood. I left the politics out of it)

Thinking about parenthood and the criticism about the most recent birth of multiples, I realized that no one really knows what to be a parent means until it happens to them. I wish I had a clear picture of what it was. I just had a bunch of preconceived ideas of what a perfect mom would be or do in a particular situation, boy was I wrong! Even up until today, I only have expectations, fantasies, and dreams about what I want for my kids, my husband and I to be as a family and how we can work things out to move on that direction; but still the road is bumpy. What I find the hardest is the routine. I keep asking myself if I am doing it right, if my kids are happy even when my patience seems to be falling down at speed of light.

I have been watching TV programs about big families for inspiration and tips on how one can be more creative about living by the day. I also have been reading a lot about that and consulting with my pediatrician, my friend Val, and with my very wise sister, who holds a degree in Education and who have just received an award for being the best teacher of the year (go sis!). From all that, I could only grasp the fact that giving the best of ourselves is key in a family's happiness and therefore is totally worth it; but loving unconditionally and being able to see the purest form of nature is perhaps the best lesson in parenthood there is, at least for me because it keeps it real.

I keep searching for purity in everything I do in life. Every time I see into my children's eyes I can see how great we once were. How did we lose it? Are we really able to restore it? It would be really awesome if we would be able to have the same trust that kids have with the maturity and commitment of adulthood. Kids trust God regardless whatever happens to them, they trust people (their feelings at least), friends, relatives, they trust life in general in a very pure and simple way. I wish I just were like that.

With the birth of the last set of multiples, which by the way I lost count on how many kids there were, I asked myself how a mom can really be able to observe her kids and herself in such a stressful and busy environment? How can she know if she is doing it right? Then I found myself thinking again, well that's what parenthood is about (but especially motherhood), giving oneself up to the greatest sample of perfection there is on earth. One step at a time, letting go, loving, breathing, praying, loving (again), and hoping for the best.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Unos vecinitos muy simpáticos
Ayer escuché una entrevista que le hicieron a Fede (Federico Tischler) acerca la comida amazonense. Quedé sorprendida con la variedad de términos absolutamente desconocidos para mi y con la descripción tan delicada y detallada de esa comida. Mi paladar no es exquisito, pero puedo imaginar a muchos disfrutando la cultura gastronómica de tribus no consideradas importantes dentro de nuestra cultura. Fue interesante descubrir como partes de nosotros mismos son descuidadas por ignorancia y por lo tanto dejadas al olvido. Pues, ¿quién realmente sabe de tal comida y de esta cultura gastronómica exuberante que queda un poco más al sur? Si hay muchos conocedores (no tantos como ahora se acreditan) pero aprendí que si ha existido una tendencia culinaria dirigida a esta área exclusivamente.

Para mi no es el hecho único de la comida amazónica lo que me llamó la atención sino como se nos puede escapar algo así de las manos estando tan cerca. Nuestra cultura indígena es pues diferente a las más avanzadas pero no por ello arcaica. Con los cambios políticos recientes siento que esta tendencia de comparar culturalmente y de una manera dogmática las posiciones contradictorias a la del estatus quo o a la creencia actual han creado una distorsión del concepto de tolerancia que muchos líderes toman como bandera. 

La tolerancia, así como la cocina amazonense (o amazónica, como quieras usarlo) no es más que el uso consciente de los recursos naturales (o personas) que nos rodean en el sitio en que nos desenvolvemos. Los tolerantes no comparan productos, ni ollas, ni fogones, ni comensales, ni ideas, ni posturas, ni religiones, ni colores; sólo comparten y entienden que cada ingrediente tiene una función para el gran plato. Estamos globalizados en ideas y posturas ya casi ni propias. Yo quiero rescatar esa cocina que ha estado siempre allí pero que no la había visto por estar pensando en otras formas de comer. 

Ojalá siempre tenga mis oídos abiertos para escuchar historias sobre comidas que incluyen cosas simples y a la mano y que dan como resultado final las descripciones sutiles dadas por Fede ayer. Pues mi boca y me mente se hacían agua de solo pensar en ellas y en el lugar de donde provienen.

¿Ah y olvide decir que también es sostenible?